The Sanjay Story

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Vinod Mehta in conversation with Mehru Jaffer was an interactive session regarding Sanjay Gandhi. Vinod Mehta writes the biography of Sanjay Gandhi, India’s most controversial member of a Prime Minister’s family. As the title suggests story begins at Anand Bhavan, abode of Nehru’s in Allahabad and the kinship that Feroz Gandhi shares with the Nehru family. The book features all the facts of his emergence as a youth congress leader, his establishment of the Maruti factory and covers all the controversies of emergency period. By projecting light on the darker side of independent Indian history, book surely attracts a reader who has an interest in history, politics and current affairs. Vinod Mehta is attracted with the strong personality of Sanjay Gandhi and this is what our country needs today, he explains. Mehru Jaffer analysed the political situation since emergeny till today and the role of Nehru family in the post independence era in India.


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