Dr. Rambahadur Mishra is a well-known name in Awadhi. He is a famous poet, writer and editor. He has written several books and has contributed to the Awadhi Literature with his works, among his famous works Awadhi Lokoktiyan(1992) and Awadh Ma Holi Khelain Raghubira (1999, in which he has composed 1000 Awadhi Phaag), are much praised. His awarded works consists of Yak Rahein Raja(Awadhi Nibandh), Awarded by Jayasi Puraskar by U.P. Hindi Sansthaan(2004) and Awadhi Ke Pratinidhi Muhawre, Awarded by Ram Naresh Tripathi Puraskar by U.P.Hindi Sansthan(2005). He has edited several Awadhi Magazines like Nakhat(all the four parts.), Ye Maati Awadhraani Hai(2005), Aapani Dharti Aapan Dhaam(2010) and much more. He has been awarded several times by Awadhi Ratna Sammaan(2003,2010), Rashtriya Hindi Sewa Samman(2010), Awadhi Shiromani(2012), Kavya Shri Sammaan(2011) and so on. He is widely appreciated by Bhartiya Hindi Parishad(1998), Hindi Saahitya Sammelan Prayag-Ayodhya Adhiveshan(2010) and recently by Akhil Bhartiya Vaicharik Kranti Manch Lucknow(2013). He has given his contribution to Awadhi Language not only in India but in Nepal also he has propagated the same.