Shreyas Navare

Shreyas Navare<span class= | "/>

Shreyas Navare freelances as Editorial Cartoonist, Hindustan Times. He holds an MBA from IIT Bombay and B.E. (I.T.) from VJTI, Mumbai University. Shreyas has covered elections in six Indian states and the Presidential polls in the United States of Americathrough the eyes of a cartoonist on behalf of HT. He has held many cartoon exhibitions, one of which was inaugurated by the President of India in 2006 and by cartoonist R. K. Laxman in 2012. His first solo international caricature exhibition was held at Bangkok in 2011. One of Shreyas’s cartoons on foreign affairs has been published in an 8th std. history textbook in Finland. The Politickle Pickle, a compilation of his HT cartoons has been recently published by HarperCollins India.