Decoding Young Minds

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Amish Tripathi, Jugal Mody, Appu Pen in conversation with Nitin Prakash had a discussion on the reading habits of generation next which is used to everything on the move. The youth of today asks hard questions, demands honest answers and presents solutions for a better, more prosperous tomorrow. But at the same time- one sees more suicides, prevailing corruption and political disarray. Some enigma about the young minds prevail dynamic, confident and always connected – the youth speak a different language. A dialect understood by their peers and researched by the elderly marketers. Literary observers across generations ponder over this happy, optimistic but eccentric MTV generation which often behaves like a herd, but refuses to be branded sheep. Amish Tripathi explains that he do not write taking into consideration the minds of the audience, it is the conext which appeals him for writing. He adds that this generation do not accept things as told to them, they have various resources to explore the reality and new aspects. Appu Pen is a comic expert and do it for everybody and in his case the cartoon is explored by people regarless of language / region and age. He puts the content freely on internet, so that people are aware and interest is generated for the same. Jugal Mody is of the opinion that reading habits will stay but the entire process is going through a change process. Readers are now looking for new topics and the role of technology in making people aware about the globe is instrumental is making the shape of the young minds !


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