The Virtuals : Introduction to the first Philosophical Thriller of the world by Anupam Sinha of Raj Comics

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‘The Virtuals’, Introduction to the first Philosophical Thriller of the World by Anupam Sinha was experienced at LLF. Anupam Sinha is an Indian comic book artist and writer, credited as the revolutionary comics creator of the famous Raj Comics superhero Super Commando Dhruva. He is also credited with steering Nagraj to new heights. ‘The Virtuals’ by Anupam Sinha is an amazing fiction as well as fantasy novel. The story of the book takes you to an unseen world of fantasy where all your questions are answered and all your prayers are heard. The book is well-written and is a page-turner in its true sense. Although the book is full of fantasies, it is and extremely great read and quite fascinating. Atul Tiwari was also the part of the workshop with Anupam Sinha.


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