The Wajid Ali Shah award was presented to nation’s very noted director Sudhir Mishra. Born and brought up in Lucknow, Sudhir Mishra is the grandson of former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shri Dwarka Prasad Mishra. His father, Devendra Nath Mishra, was the founder member of Lucknow Film Society. Sudhir Mishra along with Badal Sircar … Continued
Role of Theatre in Moulding Indian Cinema
Bollywood filmmaker Sudhir Mishra, theatre and film personality Atul Tiwari, and Vinod Bhardwaj sat in conversation with Ayaz Khalid, deliberating on the role of theatre in moulding Indian cinema. They discussed a variety of issues, including the inclusion of songs in Indian cinema to the portrayal of theatrical stories in the cinema. Another important point … Continued